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A Gift For You

In celebration of the 6 month anniversary of Unafraid, I headed into the studio to record the first song I ever wrote! This single is not included on the album but I would like to give it to you. 


During the past 6 months, the thing that has brought me joy beyond measure is the many emails, messages, and phone calls describing to me the way God has used my music to touch, heal, encourage, and bring hope to so many. That is my why. That is why this album was made - for people to come to know Jesus, the mender of our broken hearts, shattered dreams, and the provider of all good things and to be encouraged that because of Jesus, they can face the future - UNAFRAID!  


Subscribe to my email list and in the first email you receive, there will be a code to use in the shop towards a free download of "I Come Into Your Presence."

I pray you will be blessed as you listen.

Latest Lyric Video

Say The Name, 
from the album Unafraid.

So say the name of Jesus, Name above every name...

Say the Name lyric video ~ Mary-Lynn Scriver
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Music Featured on...

Featured on
Joy Radio
KBCU Radio Quarentine's Podcast
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I Am Radio
RacMan Christian Radio
Christian Media Spotlight
Red's Room Praising God

I am a member of the Music Advisory Team for Rockinron’s radio show “Off The Grid” which features new independent Christian artists. From what is played, I choose my top picks each week and send them to Rockinron. He then features many of them on a monthly top picks radio show. What makes a song one of my top picks you might ask? Well, there are a few things I look for such as how well the song is written, how strong the Christian message is in the song and how well the lyrics blend with the music, among other things. Rockinron’s “Off The Grid” show is played on KBCU Radio and Angel 95 FM.

A Debut Album 
30 Years In The Making...

Here's what
people are saying...

Every album has a story behind it

but my story is a little different...

I’ve been singing since I was a kid. Recording was something I thought about in my early adult life, but not seriously. I couldn't have imagined the unexpected opportunity God had in store for me so many years later. My comfort level was using my talents in my local church. I never really desired to step out past that. The truth was, I was afraid of doing more because I didn't believe I was good enough.


One day a family friend unexpectedly approached me to tell me that God had put it on their heart to provide the funds if I were to record an album. I was really surprised but I didn't say “Yes” at first. They were persistent though, and over the course of the next year kept reminding me that what God had put on their heart was still very strong.​​


One Sunday morning at church, the message was about how God's grace gives us the ability to do what we can't do in our own abilities or strength. I certainly didn’t feel qualified or talented enough to record an album, I didn’t even know why I should, but with tears streaming down my face, I prayed “God if you really want me to do this, I will do it.”

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The moment I said, "Yes," something inside me was unleashed and soon lyrics and music began flowing into my mind at random moments in the day. Each time they did I would run to the piano and within 12 months I had enough music to fill an album. God breathed each lyric and note into me.


All 12 tracks reveal my signature blend of soul and gospel, a nod to the gospel music I've been influenced by my entire life. It includes a bonus track, the radio single “King of My Heart”. The music will remind you that Jesus is the mender of broken hearts, shattered dreams, and the Provider of all good things. It speaks of the faithfulness of God and the deep and lasting joy that only He can give as we draw close to Him. The lyrics will resonate truth to your heart in such a way that will lift your spirit and give you hope.  Because of Jesus, we can face the future - UNAFRAID! 


To read the story of my recording journey, click the button below.

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